
In July of 2012 I borrowed a CD from my local library, and when I opened the case I found a bright pink sticky note that read “Best Album ever. Enjoy.” Reading the note made me feel like a million bucks, and inspired me to connect with library users in my home town of Toronto!

The CD that started it all.

The CD that started it all.

Ever since, I’ve been writing notes, letters, rants, and random thoughts every time I borrow an item from the library and leaving them in between the pages, liner notes and DVD cases. While the letters are truly meant for the library borrower, copies of the originals will be posted here for you to see.

I hope you enjoy my book jacket letters,

Libby Letters

13 responses to “About

  1. Anonymous

    Hi Libby, I just got your letter in The Luminaries and it made my day. Thank you for doing this. It’s really cool.


  2. Just want to thank you for following my blog. I really ‘preciate it.


  3. That is an awesome idea. I think I will start doing this too.


  4. Catana

    Thanks for subbing to my blog. I wish I actually used my local library because this is such a great idea. But I live in a bedroom community with a library that’s so small and inadequate that I’ve only visited it once in the last couple of years.


  5. It seems there is a consensus. This is a great idea and really interesting. It reminds me of letters in a bottle, but better. I think your random notes will make a lot of random smiles.


  6. Good idea. Hey, you’re not one of those people who underline and highlight in library books??


  7. Wow this is such a cool idea! Have you ever heard of The Book Notes Project? A blogger I know started it and you might be interested in it. It uses similar ideas to leave notes via the library. 😀 You can find them here if you’re interested: http://awordlessblogger.wordpress.com/book-notes-project/


Send me a note!